
Site Maintenance Cited for 8 Safety Violations

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited Site Maintenance Inc. with 8 willful, repeat and serious violations. The eight violations carry a proposed fine of $73,920.OSHA witnessed the company failing to provide employees who worked on roofs with fall protection on two separate occasions. The failure to ensure the use of fall protection on a pitched roof was the willful violation the company was cited for.

The OSHA area director said, “Falls remain the leading cause of death in the construction industry. Not providing fall protection to workers assigned to work on steep-pitch roofs is inexcusable. The roofing industry is well aware of the safety requirements necessary to protect their workers. The company’s repeat violations show a profound lack of commitment to worker safety and health.”

The three repeat violations included failing to provide fall protection for workers at a second job site, and two incidents of failing to ensure the use of head protection. The same violations were previously cited in 2008.

Four serious violations were also cited, including: using an indoor power strip outdoors, failing to provide a ground fault circuit interrupter on a generator, failing to provide required containers for flammable liquids, and using extension ladders on uneven surfaces while carrying things that can make them lose their balance.

Pulgini & Norton, LLP attorneys have handled workers’ compensation claims for over 25 years in and around Boston and its surrounding areas. If you or a family member has been injured at work and would like to seek legal assistance, please contact us at (781) 843-2200 or (888) 344-2046 or email us.

Cited Sources:

Site Maintenance Inc. facing 8 OSHA safety citations, $73,920 in penalties for failing to provide fall protection for roofers at two Schaumburg, Ill., job sites,, July 10, 2013


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